Under no circumstances will we at Pink Acid and/or Black Bantam, sell or trade anyone gacha prizes, to ensure fairness to all who choose to play.

A game of Gacha is a game you choose to opt into, and it is a game of chance, so please do not ask to trade or purchase gachas from us, we will kindly decline. 

You can sometimes win a rare on the 1st try, or you can win a rare on the 100th try. The amount of rares that are dispensed are random and based on a set %. Please do not contact me if you are upset that you did not win a rare based on the number of times you tried. I will not send you a rare. Cursing or disrespectful messages will only get you blocked.

If you win a pet that is scripted with an interactive menu and you delete the config notecard/script, I will not replace your broken pet for a new one. If you have issues with your pet, please contact me before modifying your pet.

Thank you for understanding.

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