Help?! My AO Throws My Pet Around!

What to do when your AO is not compatible with Black Bantam / Pink Acid Pets

If your pet is being thrown about while wearing your AO, please try the following:

(IF Happening while Walking) - ALL Black Bantam pet poses are set to priority 4. You will need a priority 3 AO while holding all Black Bantam pet's. For example tuty's here: 

All priority 3 AO's should fix this issue while wearing a Black Bantam pet. 

Most AO's come with two priority options, so be sure to check that the AO you are now wearing, doesn't have a priority 3 in the box.

If this issue is only happening when you are standing, turn on your AO before you add your pet. To do this, simply detach your pet, turn on your AO and then re attach your pet.

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